What are Cyber-bullying and Cyber-stalking?
Cyber-bullying takes place when a child targets another child through humiliating, embarrassing, threatening, or tormenting. The targeted child may be contacted by Internet, digital technologies, and/or cell phones. It is important to note that it is only called cyber bullying when both are minors or the instigator is a minor. When adults become involved in the bullying it results in cyber-stalking or cyber-harassment. " Adult cyber-harassment or cyberstalking is NEVER called cyberbullying." How can we prevent this from happening to our children?
Knowledge is key. We must educate our children to understand the signs and consequences of cyberbullying so that they will recognize if it is happening to them, and also so that they don't become cyberbullies themselves. Children need to be taught respect for themselves and for others. What can we do if it does happen?
Take action! Children need to know that they should report any threatening behavior towards them to an adult immediately. Do not let it go on in hopes that it will stop- cyberbullying is usually not a one-time occurrence! Children also need to know that it isn't their fault and not to feel guilty for letting someone know about the issue. Information courtesy of : http://www.stopcyberbullying.org/
Cyberbullying isn't just something that you read about and think- "This couldn't happen to my child." It is taking place in our states, our cities, and our schools. It is such an issue that it has become a popular topic on many news channels, newspapers, and Internet sites.
Mean Girls: Cyberbullying Blamed for Teen Suicides
Massachusetts Girl, 15, Was Reportedly Bullied Online Before Taking Her life
Watch videos of a communities thoughts after the death of a young girl who was the target of cyberbullying. Also included is a video that teaches parents how to talk to their children about this issue.
STOP!! If you feel that your child may be a victim contact your local authorities immediately.
Listed below are some helpful sites in which you can report such crimes:
- Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/report#!/help/?page=843
- MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=help.reportabuse
- YouTube: http://www.google.com/support/youtube/bin/request.py?contact_type=contact_us
Don't be a victim of Identity Theft...
*Identity theft is the act of taking someone's personal identifying information and using it as if it is their own. Identity thieves will take information such as:
- your name
- social security number
- date of birth
They can use your personal information to:
- open credit card accounts
- take out mortgages
- purchase vehicles
- open bank accounts
- and even get jobs us if they were you
Many people are unaware that their information is being used until it is too late and the damage has already taken place. Keep yourself safe from identity theft by being aware! Regularly monitor your personal information and report any activity that you feel is suspicious. It is better to be too cautious when dealing with your personal information.
If you suspect identify theft-
- contact your credit bureau and place a fraud alert on your credit reports
- close any accounts that you feel may be compromised or fraudulent
- file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
- contact your local authorities
Source: www.ftc.gov
**Ohio County's Acceptable Use Policy**
The first thing that I noticed when I looked at our county's AUP policy was that it is very brief- almost too brief. It consists of 3 short paragraphs- Internet Use, Computer Usage, and Penalties for MISUSE of the computer or Internet. The paragraph pertaining ot Internet use places the responsibility on the student, parent, teacher, and administrators to insure that this educational system is not abused. The second paragraph on Computer Usage only states that students are to use the computers in a "proper manner", but doesn't go it to any detail about what is a "proper manner". The last paragraph discussing the penalties, although slightly longer than the other two, only lists loss of computer privileges, restitution for any damages, and possible prosecution as the penalties. Students and parents must sign this form at the beginning of each school year. There are a few changes that I would make to this form. I would start by giving a few clear cut examples of appropriate/inappropriate uses for the Internet and computer. I would also give a list of offenses and/or number of offenses, and the specific consequence that each offense would warrant. I think that due to such a brief AUP, students and parents may be able to say "I didn't know" what is acceptable or not. Another change that I would make would be to include cell phones and their usage within out AUP. How can we not address this issue? Cell phones are even showing up in my First Grade classroom! I think that if they have these phones at school they should be checked in at the office until the end of the day (at least in the elementary schools). There is no need for one of my 7 year old students to have a cell phone in their possession during the school day. To read the entire AUP for Ohio County Schools visit our home page: http://teacherweb.com/WV/ElmGroveElementary/SchoolHomePage/photo5.aspx |