Legal and Ethical Use of the Web
With the plethora of information and uses that the Internet supplies to us comes the chance of misuse of these abundant resources. Session Three will discuss how we can stay safe while using information that we are borrowing from others on the web.
Copyright- According to, a copyright is the protection given to the creator of original work so that they are the only ones who can make, distribute, perform, or display their works. They are also the only ones to allow others to use their works.
Fair Use- Fair use is an exception to the exclusive rights that are granted throughout the copyright law. Fair use allows for limited use of copyrighted materials without permission from the creator.
How can you find resources that you can legally duplicate??
Creative Commons gives you the ability to do just that. Creative commons, as described in, is a copyright license that allows the creator to give public permission to use their work under their terms. The creator can decide
how the work can and can't be used.
Plagiarism is a CRIME!!!
So many of us have used the copy/paste feature on our computer to gather information from websites for our use. Did you ever really stop to think that this is CHEATING and STEALING??
Well, unless you gave credit to the owner, unfortunately you were!
Plagiarism- describes this as being when you use someone else's words or ideas as your own without giving them credit.
So, you heard this really great song on the radio and you can't wait to get the song for your IPOD. You go home and search for the song to download. When you find it, you download not only it, but a virus that wrecks your computer!! This is just one ramification to downloading music illegally from sites and users that may not be trustworthy. Even worse- you could be fined or even jailed!!
*Penalties for Illegal Downloading*
- fines- the FBI states that it could cost you as much as $250,000
- prison- up to 5 years
- suspension from school/universities
The graph below shows how Music Sales have declined over the years possible due to illegal downloading
Free and Inexpensive alternatives to Illegal downloading
- (online radio)